Behold, the elixir of the coffee gods - our specialty grade coffee, aged with care in the finest whiskey barrels for precisely 30 days. The green coffee beans' delicate, porous structure lends itself to absorbing the rich aromas of the barrel, allowing the bourbon's bold and complex flavors to fuse and harmonize with the coffee's natural notes.
Our master roaster then carefully coaxes out the full potential of these flavors with a nice medium roast, resulting in a coffee that is nothing short of extraordinary.
Upon opening the bag, you'll be instantly transported to the rolling hills of Kentucky, with the unmistakable aroma of bourbon wafting through the air. With each sip, your taste buds will be treated to a symphony of flavors, from the sweet wood of the barrel to the decadent notes of chocolate and the subtle hints of plum (or perhaps peach, depending on your palate).
It's a sensory experience unlike any other, and one that is sure to delight even the most discerning coffee connoisseur.